An ode to 6 years as Recruiting Director at City Leadership

City Leadership Team (minus Caribbean Keenan) May 14, 2021

“I don’t care about your law degree, I care about your optimism,” John Carroll said to me on a phone call in April 2015 and my vocational life was forever changed. It’s not that in that moment I decided to care less about the law (I love studying and talking law and Choose901 actually gave a lot of cool opportunities for staying sharp on intellectual property and contract work). It’s that I had been vocationally found. Finally someone had seen and explained to me my super power.

I had been rooting, hoping, and praying for just such a Coach to unlock me and put me in the room where it happens since 2006. I knew there was something about me that was special, unique to just me (this is true of us all). And that special aspect of how I lead could do a lot of good in this world through work. I just had this hunch that if I could find the right coach than that special thing could be unlocked. John Carroll turned out to be that coach, and leading Recruiting at City Leadership in Memphis, TN alongside Joi Taylor, Jeff Riddle, Travis Tinnin, Keenan Lowery, April Pruett, Jasmine Leavy, Iain Parks, Shelby Smith, Adam Chambers, Emily Cupples, Lauren Person, Sebastian Carson, Deena Jean, and Gloria Morales turned out to be that job.

I am, and will forever be, thankful for City Leadership and it’s Choose901, Choose901: Alumni, Serve901, and Teach901 Recruiting Campaigns.

On May 17th, 2021 I’ll begin work as a Director at the Le Bonheur Foundation supporting the elite medical care and research serving and healing children and their families at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospitals in Memphis, Jonesboro, Jackson, and Tupelo. Yesterday, May 14th, 2021 marked 5 years, 10 months, and 14 days at City Leadership and my final day in the position of Recruiting Director.

I am so excited about the future of City Leadership and in particular the incredible Recruiting Team there. Joi, Jeff, Travis, Keenan, and Jasmine are elite and I am so excited for there leadership to continue it’s rise with more space and opportunity than ever before! We are, and will forever be, family that believes in the future of Memphis and the greatness of it’s people.

The Pruett’s will still be in the City Leadership universe in major ways:

The beautiful and brilliant April Leigh will continue her work at City Leadership serving partners and leading into marketing and recruiting collaborations. For years now April has been my secret sauce to leading a team I love, events that give me energy, and partners who change our city every day. Without her my work would never have been possible and I’m so excited for more of the City Leadership team and partners to get access to her crazy creative ideas, consistent encouragement towards excellence, and steady administrative greatness.

I’ll forever stay connected to Choose901: Alumni friends. They are the future leaders of our city and I am confident that Keosha, Nick, Jameeka, Darious, and friends will help Memphis and the Delta reach it’s greatest ever heights.

I hope to write an article a month for the Choose901 blog, once upon a time I was a creative writing major at Union and can’t wait to write more.

And finally be on the look out for a radio show from John Carroll in a few months that I’m getting the honor of being a part of.

But I want to conclude with an answer to the question I’ve gotten more than any other over the last 6 years, “I love Memphis, it is so amazing, what can I do to help Choose901?!”

Well thanks for asking! The answer is that there really isn’t such a thing as Choose901. I mean there is a Recruiting Campaign with City Leadership that connects leaders from around the country and from Memphis to opportunities in the city.

But on a deeper level Choose901 is a belief, that Memphis is a premiere city to invest and enjoy your life. Invest and enjoy because as John says, “we’re looking for cultivators, not consumers.” Cultivators like you.

So here are some ways you can join the movement to cultivate in Memphis:

  1. Mentor: Memphis is full of incredible mentor programs, from career mentoring with Choose901: Alumni, Coaching at MAM, tutoring with Grizzlies Prep, to ministering directly into the lives of high school friends in the city via Younglife. Interested in serving in the city? Shoot me an email,, and I’ll get you connected.
  2. Give: Give901 is a tremendous place to start. Kate, Anne, Jen and their team at Give901 harness the power of generosity to fuel amazing mentoring programs like STREETS and tremendous schools like New Hope.
  3. Recruit: your friends and family can help make Memphis a better place! Encourage them to see and participate in the good in Memphis. Invite them in, have them sign up for the Choose901 newsletter, check out the Job Board, and tell them about Give901. Together we rise.

I love you all. #Choose901 forever ever.

Memphis + Liturgy = Memurgy

The Apostles Creed mixed with Johnny Horton mixed with Psalm 115:1,15 mixed with Marcus Samuelsson’s Memphis Joyride for Garden and Gun:

May you be blessed by the Lord,
   the Maker of heaven and earth.
The highest heavens belong to the Lord,
   but the earth he has given to mankind.

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

In my home in Shelby County, down there ‘n Memphis Tennessee

She’s a hundred pound of sugar, a-waiting there for me

The one I picked from love’s boat kept to raise our fam’ly tree

In my home in Shelby County, down there ‘n Memphis Tennessee

And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

It’s haunting to think about the amount of fear people had for a peaceful movement,” Samuelsson says, looking through the glass into the room. “But I’m also struck by the humility. Here was one of the most famous people in the world at the time, staying in this modest motel.

I love it in the summertime, I love it in the spring

I love it in the wintertime, or what the seasons bring

In my home in Shelby County, we’re as happy as can be

Honeysuckle ’round the door, magnolia trees

Flowers blooming ev’rywhere, sway gently in the breeze

‘Round my home in Shelby County, down there ‘n Memphis Tennessee

We talk a lot about authenticity, but people who are actually authentic don’t focus on it at all—it’s not a value, it just is.

It’s a great thing that’s happening in Memphis,” Hardy says. “People who grew up here and moved away are returning with ideas and inspirations. I came back and said, ‘Hey we have just as much culture here—let’s highlight it in a way that’s unique and authentic to Memphis.

Not to us, Lord, not to us
   but to your name be the glory,
   because of your love and faithfulness.

In my home in Shelby County, down there ‘n Memphis Tennessee

She’s a hundred pound of sugar, a-waiting there for me

The one I picked from love’s boat kept to raise our fam’ly tree

In my home in Shelby County, down there ‘n Memphis Tennessee

May the Lord cause you to flourish,
   both you and your children.
I love it in the summertime, I love it in the spring

I love it in the wintertime, or what the seasons bring

In my home in Shelby County, we’re as happy as can be

Honeysuckle ’round the door, magnolia trees

Flowers blooming ev’rywhere, sway gently in the breeze

‘Round my home in Shelby County, down there ‘n Memphis Tennessee

In Memphis We say we’ve got ‘humble hustle.’ We consciously use our humility to get things done.

I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. AMEN.

{Image used is of Clayborn Temple which is being revitalized to it’s prior glory as an incredible 19th Century Architectural achievement, Home for Worship, Civil Rights epicenter, and Venue for Art.}

Dunkirk: Human, Minimal, Beautiful Heroism

April Leigh and I went to watch the late show of Nolan’s latest film release: Dunkirk. Based on the 9 day successful(?) evacuation of over 300,000 British and French soldiers from a treacherous beach front early in World War II. Some thoughts:

  1. The film is essentially 7 stories. 7 scenes really, told in a time bending multi-layered format that is compelling and keeps the film moving. April mentioned she wished the story had been portrayed a bit differently, I will say the storytelling style did feel a bit like a roller coaster…but I like roller coasters so…
  2.   Nolan channels Hitchcock, this is my favorite review of Dunkirk.
  3.   Wood chrome on boats is fiiire.
  4. This guy: Dunkirk British Navel General  Looking to become a leader of people?  Doesn’t matter whether it’s military, politics, business, or ministry. Be this guy over and over again. Understated, faithful to the end, steady, funny, and steely eyed.
  5. BEA.U.TI.FUL cinematography. See this film on as large a screen as possible. In particular the airplane scrum scenes are works of minimal beautiful mastery.


Tenebrae Homily: “My God my God …”

The Fourth Word, “My God, my God why have you forsaken Me.
-Matthew 27:46

Today is March 25th, the most joyous of days, the day of Annunciation when Gabrial proclaimed to Mary that she would become pregnant with the Hope of the world, the Son of God. But of course today is also Friday, of Holy Week. The darkest of days. This overlap in the Church calendar won’t come again for another 41 years. And so tonight we wonder about Mary at the foot of the Cross, from the greatest surprise to the most tragic. How did she get here? How is this the favor of God she was promised? What kind of Love is this?

To answer this we go to a Garden. The Lord God called to Adam in Genesis 3 and asked, “Where are you?” Adam answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” And God asked Adam, “Who told you that you were naked?”

And so through the trespass of Adam, death reigned. Only the promise of a new Adam provided hope to Moses, Ruth, Jeremiah, and Mary and at last this Hope has come. The One who will rewrite history and extinguish the curse. The God-man. And yet, here He hangs. Lynched by the powers of this world. Crying out as God, to God, for God. Power meets paradox. World meets Kingdom. This is Love.

How does it feel to submit to the created when you are the Creator? This is Love.

In one burdened question Jesus declares to the Israelite enslaved to the Egyptian that the paradox of their power and worth being disrespected as the chosen people of God trampled upon is not their Kingdom reality. This is Love.

In one overwhelmed question Jesus declares to the child born in America, in a zip code where prison is more likely in their future than literacy that their Kingdom reality is greater than structural oppression and unjust earthly laws. Their Kingdom reality is direct access into a relationship with a Savior who knows the suffering and abandonment of an earthly political system that cannot survive without your destruction. This is Love.

In one desperate question Jesus declares to the mother that has miscarried or lost a child that God himself knows the loss of a child and preserves a Kingdom where life will trump death. This is Love.

In one tortured question Jesus declares that those for whom His Spirit is in will not escape this world without a life apart from pain, questioning, suffering, abuse, persecution, trial, doubt, and grief. Instead the Spirit filled follower of God is given a suffering Servant to follow after, and to conquer with, participating in a Kingdom that was, is, and is to come. This is Love. God forsaking God, giving up power, so that we may attain His ultimate power, His ultimate gift: Life over death.

Tenebrae Service, March 25th 2016
Christ Community Church, Jackson TN

Magic Soup Recipe

A little over 2 years ago, my dear friend Stacy introduced me to this Sweet Potato and Sausage Soup. I’m not a huge sweet potato fan, but I wasn’t feeling well and thought I’d give it a go. Pretty sure I had 3 bowls. It’s soooo good and will cure you of any cold (well maybe not, but it will make your hunger pains go away!).


Here’s what you’ll need:

1 pound of your favorite sausage

1 or 2 sweet potatoes skinned and chopped

32 oz of chicken stock

1 tablespoon of garlic (or more if you like)

1/2 cup of chopped onion

1 box of small pasta shells


  1. Start by browning your sausage
  2. Once you get your sausage in, add the garlic and onion
  3. After all is cooked, add the chicken stock (yes, this is the ONLY time I’m going to recommend NOT draining your meat)
  4. Now add your sweet potatoes
  5. Bring to a boil and let simmer on medium heat until potatoes are soft (about 15-20 mins)
  6. Add your pasta shells and kale 5 minutes before serving to keep the shells from getting over cooked. (if you are making enough for left overs, pull out what you think will not get eaten BEFORE adding the shells).


Top off with some parmesan cheese and do a little happy dance.


This is bowl number 2. The longer the pasta sits in the soup, it starts to soak up the broth.  Oh, and I didn’t have any kale on hand to add.

Just going to be really real…Liam

I should start this post by saying I LOVE this kid. Since the day he was born we have had a special bond and I’m convinced you will not find an easier baby. He loves to cuddle, sleep, and at 3 still lets me treat him like my little baby boy (much to my husbands disagreement). Melts. My. Heart.


But lately he has tested all those things.

Liam LOVES anything that involves pushing buttons, turning knobs, or plays music. I always say that our boys have qualities that will make them great men, but frustrating children. He pretends the record player is an air-plane cockpit, he plays “shows” at the Orpheum on his 3 string guitar, and has a rock collection (which is made up of random pieces of cement from the parking lot across the street). All these things add up to being a great engineer or musician, but at 3, it drives me crazy.  Also, did I mention he is obsessed with putting things in water? From the Wii remote in the toilet when he was 1 to wanting to always put his toys in his water cup. This kid.


I do love him though. The way he can play by himself for minutes (lets be honest, hours at 3 doesn’t happen) creating characters and worlds in his head and the way he loves his brother. Thomas is not just his big brother he is his gateway to the world. New places and new people aren’t scary when you have an older brother to hold your hand through them.

The past month has been a huge adjustment for us all and the boys have handled it amazingly well and really the change has probably affected Liam the most. For about an hour to hour and a half every day he is left to himself (and crayons and paper) to not get in trouble and not play with Thomas. Which usually results to him crying everyday around 9 or 9:30.

This post started out as an “it’s ok to be frustrated at your children post” but I think it’s turned into ” I should be thankful he’s doing as well as he is”.  So here’s to you Liam and all the joy and song you bring to our family.

Day 5, the Day Homeschooling Failed

Well it took 5 days, I knew this day would come, now I’m glad it’s over. Day 5 started out like any other day, 5 year old looking 12 in his bean bag chair learning Bible:


Getting to use a glue stick!!!


But then it came time to do “5 Things”. He couldn’t give me anything, not even 1 thing could he remember from this day.  After about 10 minutes I told him we would just redo school. After I re-read the first 2 sentences of a lesson and he couldn’t answer my questions, I gave up and he cried.

After some time of separation, I explained to him that when he can’t remember what he’s learned it makes me feel like a bad teacher and that I’m not doing my job. He apologized and said he would try harder.

Here’s to another day, hoping that tomorrow is better (and it will be because it’s Friday and we don’t do school on Fridays).

Home-School / Tamp & Tap School a.k.a 902 Day

Since last night was a late night and everyone was dragging a little this morning, we decided to head over to Tamp & Tap (a block away) for breakfast and school!

photo 1-2

This actually worked! We got a big study table and were even able to do a little school with Luke before he headed to work. Changing scenery was a hit.

Here are the things we learned today:

1.The first people had to sew their clothes together.
2. Liam says these clothes were dirty and smelly.*
3. Clothes were made out of bison, wooly mammoth, deer.
4. Leaves change color depending on the season.
5. There are 4 seasons. Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.
6. Fan, Food, Face, Fork, and Flag start with F.

Our letter for this week is F, so we played “I Spy” looking for things that start with F.

*Liam has started picking up on things and likes to try and answer questions with Thomas.

One of my favorite parts of the lesson today, was talking about how people made wool from the animals fur and then made clothes out of this. We have an amazing friend who is STILL making clothes this way! Her name is Han and she is the brains behind I pulled up some pieces and we were able to talk about how she makes them.

photo 2-2

Home-schooling away from home is definitely an idea worth repeating.

photo 3

Choose 901 Day

Today was Choose 901 Day (9/01/15) and it was a ton of fun. The boys have been asking to go to a Red Birds game all summer so this was the perfect opportunity. Since Luke was working, we got there super early and watched warm-ups and the preparing of the field.

photo 1

We got our food and ate before all our friends showed up. Once they did, it was a good 3 hours of running around and playing tag. We did get to see Jon Jay (why was he not called up?!?!) hit a home-run to start the game!

It was so fun to see everyone who came out ( over 1,000 people!) hanging out and having a great time.
